Newtown Township

Board of Supervisors

Meeting Agenda

December 19, 2012, 7:30 PM

Please Turn Off Cell Phones During Meeting

1.    Call to Order

2.    Moment of Silence

3.    Invocation - Pastor Ryan Sweet, Addisville Reformed Church

4.    Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

5.    Changes to the Agenda

6.    Special Actions

a. Proclamation in honor of Newtown, Connecticut

7.    Public Comment

8.    Minor Approvals

a. Historical Architectural Review Board

  • Church of St. Andrews Cemetery, 135 S. Sycamore Street - Fence (color)
  • Bare Root Design Studio, 127 S. Sycamore Street - Identification Sign

9.    Reports of Committees, Boards, and Commissions

a. Committees

i. Planning Commission

b. Board Members

i. Chairman

ii. Other Board Members

10.   Land Development

11.   Reports of Officials

a. Engineer

i. Discussion of modification to approve plans for Delancey Court

ii. NAC Baseball Academy and Pool - Certificate of Completion #2

iii. Homewood Suites - Certificate of Completion #2

b. Solicitor

i. Zoning Matters

  • Goodnoe Elementary Addition, 298 Frost Lane - seeking variances for driveway aisle width,
    clarification on playground setback, and parking area setback
  • Vecchia Osteria by Pasquale, 20 A Richboro Road, Newtown Depot - seeking variances in
    connection with an outdoor patio with outdoor seating related to impervious and parking

c. Manager

i.   Plan Expiration Report

ii. Resolution 2012-R-17, Adoption of the 2013 Budget

iii. Resolution 2012-R-18, establishing pay of exempt employees and supplemental pay for accountants within the CWA bargaining unit

iv. Resolution 2012-R-19, Fixing the tax rate for 2013 at a total of 2.5 mils

v. Resolution 2012-R-20, Post-retirement benefits for exempt employees

12.   Minutes, Bills List and Reports

a. Minutes of December 5, 2012

b. Bills List of December 19, 2012

13.   Old Business

14.   New Business

15.   Public Comment

16.   Executive Session

17.   Adjournment



The Planning Commission typically meets the first and third Tuesdays.
A complete schedule available at Municipal Administrative Office (215-968-2800 ext.250).


Board of Supervisors December 19, 2012 7:30pm
Environmental Advisory December 24, 2012 CANCELLED
Financial Planning December 25, 2012 CANCELLED
Technology Department December 25, 2012 CANCELLED
CHRISTMAS DAY December 25, 2012 CLOSED